How to Exit Transactional Care and Increase Your Impact within Your Practice

The dynamic between patients and practitioners is changing. People want results, and practitioners want freedom, and both are possible with a signature care system. Today’s guest is Dr. Meghan Walker. She teaches you how to free yourself from the time-for-money trap of traditional medicine and leverage your expertise to attract clients, build passive income, and have a greater impact with your health business.

Meghan is a naturopathic doctor, serial entrepreneur, and host of IMPACT. She helps entrepreneurs in the health and wellness space create programs that improve the outcome of the patient, foster communication, and give you the freedom to live life on your terms.

In this episode, Meghan gives you the framework to attract qualified clients that will thrive under your guidance. She teaches you how to leverage your expertise and narrow your niche so that you can profoundly impact the patients you treat within your practice. 

You no longer need to rely on time-draining appointments that don’t yield results. By implementing Meghan’s strategy for growth, you can phase out what is not working and leverage a methodology of care that produces predictable and life-changing outcomes. 

If you are ready to exit the time-for-money paradigm, this episode will radically shift your mindset about what is possible in your health business and inspire you to make the shift today.


0:05:30 Creating a Signature Care System

0:08:00 The Emotional and Financial Commitment 

0:10:40 Acknowledge Where The Patient Is Coming From

0:14:00 Narrowing Down Your Niche 

0:16:00 Deciding Who You Don’t Want to Work With 

0:18:00 Avoid Narrowing Your Niche Too Small

0:20:00 Outlining Your Methodology 

0:26:00 Finding Eligible Patients For Your System

0:34:00 How Are You Attracting The Ideal Patients 

Links Mentioned in This Episode 

Meghan’s Top 3 Ways to Structure Fee Visits to Immediately Attract More Income

IMPACT Podcast

Follow Dr.Meghan Walker on Instagram

Hit the link for more information on The Mindshare Collaborative 

Get your tickets for The Mindshare Collaborative Summit 

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Memorable Quotes:

“It is your responsibility at the get-go to be able to communicate to that patient what that journey is going to look like financially, in terms of their time, and in terms of the expected outcome.” [8:39] -Meghan Walker 

“I think we need to acknowledge the opportunity that exists for patients who want this self-discovery. Patients who are not ready to sit across from you one on one. They want to explore some of these concepts on their own, and that’s a hugely empowering step for them as they move forward.” [32:20] -Meghan Walker


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