Taking Back Control: Building Authority and Breaking Barriers in the Health Space with Jason Wright

Taking charge of your health can feel overwhelming, especially when the system seems to focus more on managing illness than promoting true wellness. That’s why Jason Wright’s story is so inspiring—he’s a serial entrepreneur who left the corporate grind and found his calling in functional medicine and biohacking. Now, as the Co-Owner of Authentic Health, he’s all about helping people understand their health and take back control. You’ll love hearing how Jason’s persistence and passion turned his life around.

Jason also gets real about what it takes to stand out in the wellness space. From putting in the reps with podcasting and blogging to embracing new trends like functional medicine, he shares tips that feel doable and refreshing. We also chat about the shift toward democratized healthcare—where you’re in the driver’s seat—and why understanding your health metrics is a game changer. If you’ve ever wondered how to make wellness work for you, this episode might be just what you need.

And if you’re ready to take control of your time and money too, grab our FREE eBook, The Health Professionals Playbook for Adding Multiple Streams of Income here. It’s packed with simple strategies to grow your income without working yourself into the ground. Let’s make freedom happen together!


[00:02:38] Serial entrepreneurship journey.

[00:05:15] Sick care versus healthcare.

[00:07:10] Healthspan and personal agency.

[00:09:39] Nutraceutical space and healthcare practices.

[00:14:40] Health and wellness practices.

[00:15:42] Decentralizing healthcare access.

[00:20:03] Democratizing health through podcasts.

[00:21:49] Health agency for everyday people.

[00:25:13] Health as a bipartisan issue.

[00:28:33] Getting big-name podcast guests.

[00:32:36] Persistence in podcasting success.

[00:34:13] Importance of writing blog posts.

[00:37:11] The power of your voice.

Memorable Quotes

“Figure out what you’re actually trying to solve for. And that’s what I always do. I will never point somebody to a supplement without asking them, have you had some blood work done?” [00:12:15] – Jason Wright

“If you’re going to be in a business, at least be in something you really care about and it’s meaningful and is going to truly solve a global problem, which is health.” [00:16:17] – Jason Wright

Connect with Jason Wright

Website: https://www.jasonwrightnow.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewrightsmrandmrs/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JasonWrightTX/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-wright-b3a2a014a/

Links Mentioned In This Episode

Scribe Media: https://scribemedia.com/?utm_source=ambassador&utm_medium=mindsharecollaborative&utm_campaign=founders&utm_id=mindsharecollaborative

Hit the link for more information on The Mindshare Collaborative – https://mindsharecollaborative.com/about/

Get your tickets for Health Business Growth Summit – https://mindsharecollaborative.com/summit/

Get your playbook below click here👇

THE HEALTH PROFESSIONAL’S PLAYBOOK FOR BUILDING MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME – https://go.mindsharecollaborative.com/multiple-streams-of-income-ebook-1


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